- Year of composition: July to October 1903
- Work category: Orchestral works in one movement
- Dedication: To my brother Gösta
- First performed: 10 May 1904, the Royal Opera, Stockholm
- Duration: 14 min
3*.3*.3**.3 / / timp, 2 perc, 2 hp / str
(picc, cor angl, e-flat clar, bass clar)
Examples of printed editions
Edition Wilhelm Hansen
- Location autograph: Uppsala Universitetsbibliotek
Burlin, Toivo: 'Så fick vi med en flicka till!' Spatialitet, temporalitet och identitet i Hugo Alfvéns inspelningar av Midsommarvaka, in Hugo Alfvén − liv och verk i ny belysning, Gunnar Ternhag …
Description of work
Allegro moderato D major 2/4