Andreas Hallén (1846−1925)

Den unge Herr Sten Sture. Melodram och Sorgmarsch (Deklamatorium) [Young Sir Sten Sture. Melodrama and Funeral March (Declamatorium)]

opus 35

  • Year of composition: 1889 (according to Sohlmans Musiklexikon [a Swedish dictionary of music and musicians], vol. 3, 1976)
  • Work category: Melodrama
  • Text author: Hugo Tigerschiöld (1860-1938)
  • Duration: Approx. 5-10 min


The autograph does not foretell (piano reduction)

Solo voices/choir

The text is recited.

  • Location autograph: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
  • Possible call no. and autograph comment: Z-repr (photo copy of the piano reduction; according to an annotation on the index card, the original can be found in the archive of the Musikaliska konstföreningen at the Riksarkivet [the archive of The Swedish Art Music Society at The National Archives of Sweden] (template for the edition published by the Musikaliska konstföreningen [The Swedish Art Music Society] in 1918)

Description of work

Allegro vivace F minor 6/8


Det blåser en hvinande storm med snö
en ensam släde ilar öfver Mälarsjö