Conrad Friedrich Hurlebusch (1691-1765)


Conrad Friedrich Hurlebusch was born in Brunswick, Northern Germany in 1691 (baptised 30 December) and died in Amsterdam 17 December 1765. He became a preeminent cembalist and organist after having been tutored by his father, Heinrich Lorenz Hurlebusch. After long tours in Europe he was active in Germany, but was invited to come to Stockholm by King Frederick I in 1723. He composed two cantatas during his time in Sweden from 1723−25 and thereafter returned to Germany until 1742, when he settled in Amsterdam where he was hired as an organist.

Summary list of works

Operas (all of which are lost), instrumental music (solo concerti, concerto grosso, etc.), works for keyboard (Opere scelte per il clavicembalo, Composizioni per il cembalo, cembalo sonatas, etc.) works for organ, cantatas (Due cantata, Tu parti amato Tirsi, Feste Musicale, Festeggiamento Musicale, and Lascia l’amato Iido), vocal compositions (72 odes, etc.).

Works by Conrad Friedrich Hurlebusch

This is not a complete list of works. The following works are those that have been inventoried so far.

Number of works: 2