Joseph Martin Kraus (1756−1792)


Joseph Martin Kraus was born on 20 June 1756 in the German town of Miltenberg am Main, and died in Stockholm on 15 December 1792. Attended secondary school in Mannheim from 1768 to 1772, followed by university studies in Mainz, Erfurt and Göttingen from 1773−76. In 1778 he travelled to Stockholm, where he became a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Music in 1780, and a year later the second conductor of the Royal Court Orchestra at the Royal Opera. In 1782 Gustav III dispatched him on a four-year tour of Europe. In 1788 he was made director of the educational institution of the Royal Swedish Academy of Music and chief conductor of the Royal Court Orchestra. Kraus is the most prominent figure in Gustavian music and was responsible for seminal works of opera, orchestral music and chamber music.

Summary list of works

6 operas (Azire, Proserpin, Zelia, Oedipe, Soliman den Andra, Aeneas i Carthago), incidental music (Le bon seigneur, Visittimman, Amphitryon, Flintbergs bröllop, Mexikanska systrarna, Olympie, etc.), ballet music (Fiskarena, 2 pantomimes, ballet music to Armide), orchestral works (Symphonie funèbre, symphonies, concertos, etc.), chamber music (11 string quartets, a flute quintet, 5 violin sonatas, a sonata for piano trio, etc.), works for clavier (3 sonatas, variations, etc.), organ works, choral works (Requiem, Miserere, Te Deum, oratorios, cantatas, motets, etc.), songs (50 or so), other vocal music (17 concert arias, 3 concert duets).

Works by Joseph Martin Kraus

This is not a complete list of works. The following works are those that have been inventoried so far.

Number of works: 153