Oscar Sandberg (1870−1926)

"Se, ärans Konung"

  • Year of composition: Year of composition uncertain
  • Work category: Mixed choir a cappella
  • Text author: After Paul Gerhardt-Evers (according to the printed music)
  • Duration: Approx. 1-5 min

Solo voices/choir


Examples of printed editions

Musica Sacra. Körsånger för Kyrkan och Skolan [Choral songs for the church and school]. Published by Herman Palm, Oscar Sandberg, Harald Fryklöf, Albert Hellerström, Part I, the Publishers' own Publishing House, Musikdirektör Oscar Sandberg, Stockholm (1916)

Description of work

Maestoso E major 4/4 (C)


1. Se, ärans Konung drager
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2. Om alla mörkrets härar
Till anlopp mot oss gå 

Media files

Edition Swedish Musical Heritage