Johan Agrell (1701−1765)

Konsert för cembalo eller orgel D-dur [Concerto in D major for harpsichord or organ]
Konsert för cembalo och stråkorkester, arr för tangentinstrument solo [Concerto for harpsichord and string orchestra, arrangement for keyboard instrument solo]

opus 3 nr 2


1. Allegro
2. Andante
3. Allegro

  • Year of composition: Original printed in 1762 in London
  • Work category: Harpsichord
  • Arrangement/revision: Martin Weyer 1980
  • Duration: Approx. 5-10 min

Examples of printed editions

Arrangement by Martin Weyer, published by Bad Godesberg, Forberg 1980. Location mark at Musik- och teaterbiblioteket: 80/917 (Online catalogue). Original is no. 2 in Six concertos, Walsh, London [1762].

Description of work

1. Allegro D major 4/4 (C)
2. Andante A major 2/4
3. Allegro D major 3/8