Elfrida Andrée (1841−1929)

Två andliga sånger [Two spiritual songs]


1. Davids psalm [Psalm of David] no. 130
2. Davids psalm [Psalm of David] no. 20 verse no. 7

  • Year of composition: c. 1900-1910
  • Work category: Male choir a cappella
  • Text author: The Bible: Book of Psalms nos. 130 and 20 (Old Testament)
  • Duration: Approx. 5-10 min

Solo voices/choir

Men's choir, T.T.B.B.

  • Location autograph: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
  • Possible call no. and autograph comment: The Elfrida Andrée collection


Description of work

1. Davids psalm [Psalm of David] no. 130 and Sv Psalm [Swedish hymnal] no. 33: Långsamt [Slow] D minor 3/2
2. Davids psalm [Psalm of David] no. 20 verse no. 7: Andante A major 3/4


1. Davids psalm [Psalm of David] no. 130
Om Du vill tillräkna synderna ... [If thou, Lord, shouldest mark iniquities... (according to the King James Version)]

2. Davids psalm [Psalm of David] no. 20 verse no. 7
Nu märker jag att Herren hjälper ... [Now know I that the Lord saveth his anointed (verse no. 6 according to the King James Version)]