Elfrida Andrée (1841−1929)

Andante quasi recitativo

  • Year of composition: This work is mentioned for the first time in connection with the performance in 1877
  • Work category: Orchestral works in one movement
  • First performed: 24 May 1877, Lilla Börssalen [i.e., the concert hall in the Gothenburg Bourse], Gothenburg, orchestra conducted by the composer. Although this is the first known performance, the piece may well have already been performed
  • Duration: 5 min
  • Detailed duration: 4,5 min according to the 'Souvenirer från Västsverige' [Souvenirs from West Sweden], Altfiol i Väst CD06-1667 (2006), performed by members of the orchestra of the Göteborgsoperan [Gothenburg Opera], which is the only as yet existing recording


String orchestra. Cello part is divided in two throughout the entire piece.

Examples of printed editions

Altfiol i Väst, Gothenburg 2008

  • Location autograph: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket

Description of work

Andante quasi recitativo, E major 4/4 (C), 58 bars

Work comment

This piece is also included in the Svensk mässa nr 2 [Swedish Mass no. 2] composed in 1903. The title 'Mellanspel' [Interlude] was then added to the movement's marking.

According to the preface of the printed music, this work is said to have been one of Elfrida Andrée's favourite compositions, and she used its musical content also e.g., for the Orgelsymfoni i h-moll [Organ symphony in B minor], which was one of her most noted works, premiered in 1890 and printed in both England and Sweden. This movement was labelled 'Cantabile' and lacked the addition 'quasi recitativo' from the version for string orchestra. The movement was also used for the piano work 'Fyra stycken för piano' [Four pieces for piano], composed in 1881, albeit here labelled 'Andante cantabile'. In an printed version of the same movement for piano in 1890, it was labelled 'Romance'. Furthermore, 'Andante cantabile' is also the title of an undated version for violoncello and organ, posthumously printed in 1998.