Carl Michael Bellman (1740-1795)
"Solen glimmar, blank och trind" (Fredmans epistel nr 48) [Fredman's Epistle no 48]

- Year of composition: February, 1772; the collection was published by Olof Åhlström in 1790 (by this time, many of the songs included were already twenty years old)
- Work category: Mixed choir a cappella
- Text author: Carl Michael Bellman
- Duration: Approx. 1-5 min
Solo voices/choir
Examples of printed editions
Svenska Skolkvartetten. Andra samlingen, 100 fyrstämmiga sånger [Svenska Skolkvartetten. Volume 2, 100 four-part songs] Abr. Lundquist, Musikförlag (Ed. no. is missing) [1946]
Description of work
Allegretto B-flat major 2/4
Work comment
According to the standard edition of the Bellmanssällskapet [Bellman Society] the subtitle is: "Hvaruti afmålas Ulla Winblads hemresa från Hessingen i Mälaren en sommar-morgon 1769" [Depicting Ulla …
1. Solen glimmar blank och trind,
vattnet likt en spegel!
2. Seglen fladdra, skutan går,
Järker tar sin lyra
3. Movitz! stöt åt dem i lur'n,
som på skutan fara!