Act 1
Act 2
Act 3
Act 4
- Year of composition: 1945
- Work category: Opera
- Text author: Natanael Berg after the tragedy 'Genoveva' (1843) by Friedrich Hebbel (1813-1863). German translation by Fritz Tutenberg (1902-1967)
- First performed: 25 October, 1947 at the Kungliga Teatern [Royal Theatre/Opera]
Erik Sundquist (Greve Siegfried [Count Siegfried]), Lilly Furlin (Genoveva), Gösta Björling (Golo), Georg Svedenbrant (Balthasar), Anders Näslund (Drago), Leon Björker (Kaspar), Folke Jonsson (Hans), Gunnar Källsing (Klaus), Hugo Hasslo (En målare [A Painter]), Margareta Bergström (Katarina, Golos amma [Golo’s Wet nurse]), Göta Allard (Margareta, hennes syster [Her Sister]), Åke Collett (Eugen), Mariane Orlando (Smärterik, Genovevas son [Genoveva’s son]), Sven-Erik Jacobsson (En hövitsman [A General]).
Kungliga Hovkapellet [the Orchestra of the Royal Opera]. Members of the Kungliga Baletten [The Royal Swedish Ballet]. Conductor: Herbert Sandberg - Duration: Approx. 120-180 min
- Detailed duration: 2 hours 50 minutes ((according to the programme from the premiere; probably including interval/-s)
3*.3*.3*.3*. / / timp, perc / str
picc, cor angl, bass clar, dbn
Solo voices/choir
Solo voices: 1 soprano (Genoveva), 1 boy or girl soprano (Smärterik, 7 years old), 2 mezzo-sopranos (Katarina, Margareta), 1 tenor (Golo), 5 baritones (Siegfried, Balthasar, Drago, The Painter, Eugen), 4 basses (Kaspar, Hans, Klaus, A General)
Female choir, S.A.
Male choir, T.T.B.B. (Soldiers, Hunting party)
Examples of printed editions
The libretto is available at Musik- och teaterbiblioteket, location mark C 9524:3 (online catalogue)
Location for score and part material
Score, piano reduction, and parts are available at Stim/Svensk musik
- Location autograph: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
- Possible call no. and autograph comment: Score and piano reduction in autograph can ba found in the Natanael Berg deposition
Ralf, Klas: Kungliga teatern. Repertoar 1773-1973 [The Royal Theatre/Opera. Repertoire 1773-1973; in Swedish, only]. Stockholm (1974)
Description of work
Act 1
Sal i greve Siegfrieds slott, Pfalz. 700-talet [A great hall in Count Siegfried’s castle, The Palatinate (Pfalz). 8th Century].
Första tablån [First scene]. Siegfried, hövitsmännen [The Generals], Golo, Genoveva, Drago
Andra tablån [Second scene]. Kaspar, Balthasar, Golo, Katarina, Margareta, Genoveva, Drago, pagen [The Page], målaren [The Painter]
Act 2
Tjänstefolkets sal i slottets bottenvåning [The hall of the servants on the ground floor of the castle]
Första tablån [First scene]. Katarina, Golo, Margareta, Drago, Kaspar, Balthasar
Mellanspel [Interlude]
Andra tablån [Second scene]. Genovevas sovgemak [Genoveva’s bedchamber]. Genoveva, Margareta, Balthasar, Kaspar, Drago
Act 3
Siegfrieds läger vid skogskanten [Siegfried’s military camp on the edge of the forest]
Första tablån [First scene]. Förste hövitsmannen, andre hövitsmannen, Siegfried, budbäraren, soldater, Golo [First General, Second General, Siegfried, The Messenger, Soldiers]
Andra tablån [Second scene]. I skogen [In the forest]. Hans, Balthasar, Klaus, Genoveva, Margareta, Golo, en slottstjänare [A Castle Servant]
Act 4
I Siegfrids slott [Inside Siegfried’s castle].
Första tablån [First scene]. Eugen, Balthasar, Siegfried, Margareta
Andra tablån [Second scene]. Vid en grotta i skogen [At a cave in the forest]. Genoveva, Smärterik, två jägare [Two Hunters], Siegfried, Eugen, Kaspar, jaktfolk [Hunting party]
Score example (10 pages) available at Stim/Svensk musik
Så friskt och kallt, en aning som av frost ... (Siegfried)