Agamemnons hemkomst
- Year of composition: 1949
- Work category:
Incidental music
- Text author: Rabbe Enckell
- First performed: 11 november 1949
- Duration:
Approx. 25-30 min
2*.2*.2*.2* / / timp, 2 perc, hp, / str.
(picc, cor angl, bass clar)
perc: cymb, tambourine
Solo voices/choir
2. Recitative
3. Men's choir a cappella, T.B.
4. Recitative
5. Men's choir, T.T.B.B.
6. Choir speaking, T.B.
7. Men's choir, T.T.B.B
8. Soloists: 1 tenor, 1 bass
9. Tenor soloist
Men's choir, T.B.
… Read more10. Mixed choir, S.A.T.B.
11. Soloists: S.A.T.B.
Choir: T.T.B.B, S.S.A.A, S.A.T.B.
12: Mixed choir S.A.T.B
13. Soloists: 1 tenor, 1 bass
Mixed choir, S.A.T.B.
14. Soloist: 1 soprano, 1 tenor
Mixed choir, S.A.T.B.
15. Soloists: recitation,
Mixed choir, S.A.T.B.
18. Men's choir, T.T.B.B.
19. Bass solo
Men's choir, T.T.B.B.
20. Soloists; 1 tenor, 1 bass
Men's choir, T.B.
24. tenor solo,
Men's choir, T.T.B.B.
25. Soloists: 1 soprano, 1 alto
Mixed choir, S.A.T.B.
- Location autograph: Sveriges Radios Musikbibliotek
- Possible call no. and autograph comment: T 86
Description of work
1. Largo e pesante B major 2/4
2. Lento B major 3/4 (recitative)
3. Moderato alla breve B major (Men's choir a cappella T.B.)
4, Lento C major 2/4 (recitative)
5. Moderato F major 2/4 (men's choir T.… Read moreT.B.B.)
6. Allegro furioso F major 2/4 (choir speaking T.B.)
7. Moderato D minor 2/4 (men's choir a cappella T.T.B.B.)
8. no tempo markings D major 2/4 (soli T.B., 2 hn)
9. Tranquillo E major 6/8 (tenor solo, men's choir T.B.)
10. Largo e pesante various key and time signatures, Tranquillo various key and time signatures (mixed choir S.A.T.B.)
11. Moderato various key and time signatures (soli S.A.T.B., choir T.T.B.B., S.S.A.A., S.A.T.B.)
12. Maestoso various key and time signatures (mixed choir S.A.T.B.)
13. no tempo markings, various key and time signatures (soli T.B., mixed choir S.A.T.B.)
14. no tempo markings, various key and time signatures (soli S.T., mixed choir S.A.T.B.)
15. no tempo markings, various key and time signatures (recitative, mixed choir S.A.T.B.)
16. Andante A major 2/4
17. Tranquillo F minor 4/4 (C)
18. Lento 2/4 (men's choir T.T.B.B.)
19. no tempo markings, various key and time signatures (bass solo, men's choir T.T.B.B.)
20. Marcia: Moderato various key and time signatures, Soli T.B., men's choir (T.B.)
21. = 17
22. Marcia F major various time signatures
23. Allegretto various key and time signatures
24. no tempo markings, various key and time signatures (Maestoso F major (tenor solo, men's choir T.T.B.B.)
25. Molto tranquillo (soli S.A., mixed choir S.A.T.B.) Collapse