Bernhard Crusell (1775−1838)
Kung Rings död
[no. 9 from Ten Songs from Frithiofs Saga composed to Music and dedicated to Frithiof's Poet by B. Crusell]
- Year of composition: 1826?
- Work category: Voice and piano
- Text author: Esaias Tegnér
- Dedication: Esaias Tegnér
- Duration: Approx. 1-5 min
Examples of printed editions
• Lith. by C. Müller i Stockholm [1826, according to added note].
• Elkan & Schildknecht.E & S 897, publ. 1882 (The song is included in an extended edition: 'Tolf Sånger ur Frithiofs Saga satta i musik och tillegnade Frithiofs skald af B. Crusell', and has here the number 10.)
• Hans Ahlborg Musik (Copy by Elkan & Schildknecht's edition, copied in 2008)
Location for score and part material
Statens musik- och teaterbibliotek
Description of work
Moderato D minor 2/4, D major
Kung Rings död
Gullmanig fåle,
Skinfaxe drager
Vårsol ur vågen mer herrlig än förr.
Morgonens stråle,
Dubbelt så fager,
Leker i kungssal: det klappar på dörr.
[The following verses are not rendered in the print, apart from the last verse, which is composed differently:]
Sade, och tryckte
Ingeborg handen,
Handen på Son och på gråtande vän.
Ögat han lyckte,
Kunglige anden
Flög med en suck till Allfader igen.