Pehr Frigel (1750−1842)

Aria (Den svenska verlden) [Aria (The Swedish world)]

  • Year of composition: 1778
  • Work category: Voice and orchestra
  • Text author: Lyricist unknown
  • First performed: Stockholm, 24 Januari, 1778
  • Duration: 8 min

Instrumentation / / str

Solo voices/choir

Soprano solo

  • Location autograph: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket

Description of work

Allegro con spirito D major, alla breve, B minor, Da Capo

Work comment

According to an annotation on the first page of the score, this aria was performed within the Utile Dulci Society on their day of celebration 24 January, 1778. (24 January was King Gustav III's birthday)


Den svenska verlden gläds på Gustafs födslodag