Pehr Frigel (1750−1842)

Aria (Herden under eken) [Aria (The shepherd beneath the oak tree]

  • Year of composition: 1790, 1799 [?, the year in the autograph is difficult to decipher]
  • Work category: Voice and orchestra
  • Text author: Lyricist unknown
  • Duration: Approx. 5-10 min

Instrumentation / / str

Solo voices/choir

The solo part is labelled "Voce", only

  • Location autograph: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket

Description of work

Allegro moderato E-flat major 4/4 (C), Allegro E-flat major 3/4, Adagio A-flat major 3/4, Dal segno [Allegro moderato 4/4 (C)]


Herden under Eken hvilar
i fin oskuld glad och fri