Pehr Frigel (1750−1842)

(Recitativ, Naturen vaken är [Recitative, The Nature is awake])

  • Year of composition: 1782 (according to the autograph)
  • Work category: Voice and orchestra
  • Text author: Lyricist unknown
  • First performed: In Stockholm on 24 January, 1782 [on the occasion of Utile Dulci's day of celebration]
  • Duration: Approx. 1-5 min

Instrumentation / / str

Solo voices/choir

Soprano solo

  • Location autograph: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket

Description of work

Recitativo: Maestoso C major 4/4 (C), thereafter alternating tempos

Work comment

"Segue aria" is indicated after this recitative. Which aria that note refers to, is not known


Naturen vaken är_ _ och Du naturens Far,
ej änn ditt stolta lopp åt rymdens bana sträcker!