Prins Gustaf (1827−1852)
Debardeur-Marsch. Minne af en Kostymbal from Fyrastämmiga Sånger för Mansröster af G

- Year of composition: 1847
- Work category: Male choir a cappella
- Duration: Approx. 1-5 min
Solo voices/choir
Solo voice: tenor
Choir: T.T.B.B.
Examples of printed editions
Publisher and edition number missing (in the catalogue of the Musik- och teaterbiblioteket it says:
'from the compositions of His most blessed Royal Highness Prince Gustaf and dedicated to his …
Description of work
Marcia - Andante - Marcia D major - G major (Trio) - E-flat major - D major 4/4 (C)
At the Trio section it says:
'(The motive for this section was taken from Op. Stradella, from which the Quadrille …
Work comment
The collection includes:
En Månskenssång (1844)
Jägarsång (1845)
Serenad (1845)
Morgonhymn (1845)
Våren (1846)
Farväl (1846)
Till Aftonstjernan (1846)
Chör (1846)
Helsning hem till Sverige (1846)
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