Johann Christian Friedrich Hæffner [Haeffner] (1759−1833)

Swedish folk songs composed for four male voices

  • Year of composition: Before 1832, when the collection was printed
  • Work category: Male choir a cappella
  • Text author: Trad.
  • Dedication: Upsala Academie
  • Duration: Approx. 1-5 min
  • Detailed duration: Less than 5 minutes per song

Examples of printed editions

Svenska folk-visor satte för fyra mansröster af J.C.F. Haeffner. Uppsala 1832: Palmblad & C

Description of work

1. Den bergtagna: B minor, 2/4
2. Hillebrand: G minor, 2/4
3. Liten Carin: A minor, 2/4
4. Riddar Tynne: A minor, 4/4
5. Den underbara harpan: Långsamt F minor, 6/8
6. Kämpen Grimborg: E minor, 2/4
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1. Den bergtagna: Och jungfrun hon skulle sig...

2. Hillebrand: Hillebrand tjente på konungens gård...

3. Liten Carin: Och liten Carin tjente...

4. Riddar Tynne: Och det var Riddar Tynne...

5. Den Read more