Jakob Adolf Hägg (1850−1928)

Kleine nordische Lieder ohne Worte und Präludien, Heft IV


23. Langsam
24. Andante con moto
25. Langsam
26. Krigerische Klänge: Mässig
27. Bewegt
28. Lebhaft

  • Year of composition: Three of the pieces are dated 1897, year of composition for remaining pieces unknown
  • Work category: Piano
  • Dedication: no. 23: An Fräulein Kristina Johanson
    no. 24: An Frau Jakobine Westberg
    no. 25: An Frau Jenny Collin
    no. 26: An Fräulein Vivi Ehinger
    no. 27: An Director A. Enderberg
    no 28: (no dedication)
  • Duration: Approx. 10-15 min

Examples of printed editions

Det Nordiske Forlag/Hofmeister, Köpenhamn [Copenhagen] / Leipzig [probably 1899]

No. 24 and 28 also in Hägg, Album, 16 leichtere Clavierstücke
Det Nordiske Forlag / Hofmeister, Köpenhamn [Copenhagen] / Leipzig [1900]

  • Location autograph: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
  • Possible call no. and autograph comment: The pieces are spread over several manuscripts in the Hägg collection [Hägg-samlingen]

Description of work

23. Langsam E minor 2/4 12 bars, Poco animato 13 bars, [Tempo I] 8 bars, in total 33 bars
24. Andante con moto F minor 6/8 36 bars
25. Langsam A minor 2/4 15 bars, Un poco più animato 9 bars, Tempo I 19 takter, in total 43 bars
26. Krigerische Klänge: Mässig E major 4/4 (C) 22 bars (/:8:/14)
27. Bewegt A minor 3/4 32 bars
28. Lebhaft A major 6/8.41 bars


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Work comment

It seems as though when preparing the five books Kleine nordische Lieder und Präludien, Hägg made a selection from his previously composed pieces. Nos. 23 and 26 are dated 18 October, 1897, whereas no. 25 is dated 16 October, 1897. The remaining pieces lack information as to composition dates and may as well be from the 1860s or 1870s as from the years immediately before the publication.