Jakob Adolf Hägg (1850−1928)

Impromptu (D-dur [D major])

opus 16

  • Year of composition: Year of composition unknown
  • Work category: Piano
  • Dedication: To Mrs Mary Fougberg née Schwieler
  • Arrangement/revision: The piece also exists as in an orchestral version by the composer
  • Duration: 5 min

Examples of printed editions

Elkan & Schildknecht, Stockholm [1898]

  • Possible call no. and autograph comment: The autograph of the piano version has been lost

Description of work

Allegro vivace D major 3/4 76 bars, Meno vivo F major 140 bars, Tempo I D major 120 bars, Più mosso 16 bars, Presto 25 bars, in total 377 bars


Listen to the work on Spotify (login is required)

Work comment

The opus number is not indicated in the printed edition.

This work was probably composed at the end of the 1860s.