Jakob Adolf Hägg (1850−1928)

Hvi suckar det så tungt uti skogen (ur Nya sånger och visor) [approx. Why are there so heavy sighs in the forest (from New songs)]

opus 14 (not entailed in the printed ed.)

  • Year of composition: Year of composition unknown, probably end of 1860s
  • Work category: Male choir and instruments
  • Text author: Bernhard Elis Malmström (1816-1865)
  • Dedication: To C. Nordqvist
  • Duration: 3 min



Solo voices/choir

1 soprano
Male choir: T.T.B.B.

Examples of printed editions

Nya sånger och visor [New songs], self-published, printed in Gävle 1910, Gefle-Postens tryckeri

  • Location autograph: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket

Description of work

Lento E minor 4/4 (C) 43 bars, Något långsammare [Somewhat slower] 20 bars, in total 63 bars

Work comment

This piece is included as no. 3 in the book Nya sånger och visor [New songs]

Hägg composed more music to Malmström's lyrics under opus no. 48, where this movement is included in a slightly different version. The second movement in this opus is included as no. 10 in the book Nya sånger och visor [New songs]