Jakob Adolf Hägg (1850−1928)

Två små suiter (öfver koralerna N:o 23 & 89) komponerade för orgel eller piano [Two small suites (over chorales nos. 23 & 89) composed for organ or piano]

opus 36


Suite on chorale no. 23

Suite on choral no. 89

  • Year of composition: Year of composition unknown
  • Work category: Organ
  • Dedication: Dedicated to the Gävleborg county's organists' society
  • Duration: Approx. 15-20 min

Examples of printed editions

Self-published, Gävle 1911, Gefle-Postens tryckeri

  • Location autograph: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
  • Possible call no. and autograph comment: The movements of the suites are spread over several manuscripts

Description of work

Suite öfver Ps. 23 [Suite on Psalm no. 23]
First section: 4 settings [no tempo markings] 4/4 (C) 20 bars, each (/:8:/12), 1. G major, 2. D major, 3. F major, 4. C major
Second sectioin: 3 settings [no tempo markings] 4/4 (C)
1. G major 23 bars (/:9:/14), 2. (see commentary below), no. 3 F major 26 bars (/:10:/:16:/), [4.] C major 26 bars (/:10:/16)
Third section:
[One voice with figurations] 2 settings [no tempo markings] 4/4 (C)
[1.] F major 23 bars (/:9:/14), [2.] C major 23 bars (/:9:/14)
[Three voices with figurations] 4 settings [no tempo markings] 4/4 (C)
1. G major 24 bars (/:9:/15), 2. D major 23 bars (/:9:/14), 3. F major 23 bars (/:9:/14), 4. C major 24 bars (/:10:/14)

Suite öfver koralen n:o 89 [Suite on chorale no. 89]
First section: 6 settings [no tempo markings], the first five in E minor, the sixth in B minor, 4/4 (C) 8 bars, each (/:4:/4)
Second section: 4 settings [no tempo markings] 4/4 (C)
1. E minor 18 bars (/:10:/8), 2. B minor 20 bars (/:10:/10), 3. E minor 20 bars (/:10:/10), 4. B minor 20 bars (/:10:/10)
Third section: One voice with figurations. 3 settings [no tempo markings] 4/4 (C), 18 bars, each (/:9:/9)
1. E minor, 2. B minor, 3. E minor
Three voices with figurations. 4 settings [no tempo markings], 4/4 (C)
1. E minor 17 bars (/:9:/8), 2. B minor 22 bars (/:12:/10), 3. E minor 20 bars (/:10:/10), 4. 20 bars (/:10:/10)

Work comment

After the second suite there is a footnote stating that an adaptation of this chorale is included in J. Hägg's Suite sentimentale

There is an end repeat sign at the end of the second part of the second suite. The repeat sign has probably been inserted in error as most likely, this part was intended to have the same form as the surrounding ones