- Year of composition: 1897
- Work category:
- Text author: Frans Hedberg (1828-1908)
- First performed: 23 July, 1997, Kalmar Teater [Theatre]. Performers: Yvonne Tuvesson-Rosenqvist (Karin Månsdotter), Staffan Galli (Kung Erik [King Eric XIV of Sweden]), Malena Ernman (Prinsessan Cecilia [Princess Cecilia]), Olof Lilja (Max, stallsven [Stable Boy]), Ola Eliasson (Jöran Persson, kansler [Chancellor]), Harald Nygren (Hertig Johan [Sir Johan, Duke of Finland]), Michael Schmidberger (Olof Stenbock, adelsman [Nobleman]), Thomas Svensson (Velamson, livdrabant [Trabant]), Andreas Landin (Björndansaren [The Dancing Bear]), Marie Arnet - Maria Bernhardsson - Karin Norberg - Marika Schönberg (Fyra flickor [Four Girls]), Magnus Krepper (Marktschrejaren [The Market Seller]), Maria Fabien (Hwildinnan [The Savage Woman]), Maria Svensson (Björnen/Flickan [The Bear/The Girl]), Erik Westerlund (Nils Sture, adelsman [Nobleman]). Kör [Choir] (marknadsfolk, hovmän, drabanter, tärnor, pöbel, skördefolk [People at the Market, Noblemen, Trabants, Maids, People, Harvesters]), Vadstena-Akademiens orkester, dirigent: B Tommy Andersson [The Orchestra of the Vadstena-Akademien, conductor: B Tommy Andersson]
- Duration:
Approx. 120-180 min
- Detailed duration: 2 h 10 min. according to broadcast by SVT [Sveriges Television] on 1st November, 1997 (recording of the Vadstena Academy performance at Kalmar Teater the same year)
3*.2.2.2 / / timp, perc, hp / str
perc: bass dr, cymb, sn dr, trgl, 2 ratchets
Solo voices/choir
Karin Månsdotter (soprano)
Kung Erik [King Eric XIV of Sweden] (tenor)
Prinsessan Cecilia [Princess Cecilia] (mezzo-soprano)
Max, stallsven [Stable Boy] (tenor)
Jöran Persson, kansler [Chancellor] (… Read morebaritone)
Hertig Johan [Sir Johan, Duke of Finland] (baritone)
Olof Stenbock, adelsman [Nobleman] (bass)
Velamson, livdrabant [Trabant] (baritone)
Björndansaren [The Dancing Bear] (baritone)
Fyra flickor [Four Girls] (sopranos)
Marktschrejaren [The Market Seller] (stum roll [mute part])
Hwildinnan [The Savage Woman] (stum roll [mute part])
Björnen/Flickan [The Bear/The Girl] (stum roll [mute part])
Nils Sture, adelsman [Nobleman] (stum roll [mute part])
Kör [Choir] (marknadsfolk, hovmän, drabanter, tärnor, pöbel, skördefolk [People at the Market, Noblemen, Trabants, Maids, People, Harvesters])
5 sopranos (Karin, Fyra flickor [Four Girls]), 1 mezzo-soprano (Cecilia), 2 tenors (Erik, Max), 4 baritones (Jöran, Johan, Velamson, Björndansaren [The Dancing Bear]), 1 bass (Stenbock)
4 stumma roller [4 mute parts] (Marktschrejaren, Hwildinnan, Björnen/Flickan [The Market Seller, The Savage Woman, The Bear/The Girl], Nils)
Choir (S.S.A.A.T.T.B.B) Collapse
Examples of printed editions
Levande musikarv/Swedish Musical Heritage no. 577, Stockholm 2014. Critical edition by Anders Wiklund
Parts material available from the archive of the Vadstena-Akademien [The Vadstena Academy], … Read moreLandsarkivet, Vadstena [The National Archives of Sweden, Vadstena branch]
Location for score and part material
Piano reduction (not autograph) can be found at the Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
Description of work
Act I
The stage represents the interior of a lowly cottage in the Norrmalm district in Stockholm.
Introduction [instrumental]: Maestoso A major 3/4, Choir
Scene 1: Karin sits at a table, arranging … Read moreflowers in a basket. Karin, Unga flickor [Young Girls]
Scene 2: De förre [The above], Max (entering)
Scene 3: Karin, Max
Scene 4: The stages changes, now representing Stortorget [the old main square] in Stockholm. At the back, the old Town hall and the spire of the parish church [now the Storkyrkan/Stockholm Cathedral], and the battlement of the old Tre Kronor [Three Crowns] Castle. Midsummer market with a lot of people, flowers, maypoles, jesters, a begger with a dancing bear, etc. People of all kinds, foot soldiers, Jöran Persson, The Dancing Bear
Scene 5: The people have gathered around the Bear, the Market Seller, and the Jesters. Jöran Persson walks over the stage. Eric cautiously approaches Karin, sitting on a staircase. She notices him. The above, De förre, Kung Erik (klädd som hofsven) [King Eric (dressed as a page)], Karin
Scene 6: Max enters. Recognising the King, he is shocked. The above, Max
Scene 7: The King leaves, followed by the girls, and also by Jöran Persson. Max is taken out by some men while the stage is again filled with people and the market continues as the curtain falls. Karin, Max, Jöran Persson, People
Act II
The stage represents a tower room in the Tre Kronor [Three Crowns] Castle. When the curtain is raised, Cecilia sits dreaming with a lute on her knee. She is surrounded by maids, sewing, one of whom is Karin.
Introduction: Andantino F major 9/8
Scene 1: Folkvisa [Folk song] - Scene and Chorus. Cecilia, Karin, Tärnor [Maids]
Scene 2: Cecilia, Karin
Scene 3: Karin is on her way to leave when Eric opens the door, happy and radiant, and with open arms. Karin, Eric
Scene 4: King Eric brings Karin to a chair, placing himself at her feet. Embrace. As a noise approaches, they get back up in haste. Eric, Karin, Folk [People]
Scene 5: Jöran Persson enters grovelling. The above, Jöran Persson
Scene 6: Cecilia enters, agitated. The above, Cecilia
Scene 7: Karin is on her knees, covering her face while the curtain slowly falls. Cecilia, Karin
The stage represents King Eric’s chamber, with doors to the trabant hall on one side and to the festive hall on the other. There is a divan, a footstool, and a low table on which lies a lute. At the rise of the curtain, Karin is sitting on the divan, dressed as queen. Eric is sitting on the footstool at her feet, with his arms around her waist.
Introduction: Adagio G major 3/4
Scene 1: Scene and Romance. Karin, Eric
Scene 2: Olof Stenbock can be seen in the trabant hall. Eric closes the door as Stenbock approaches, and gives Johan a sign to follow him. The above, Cecilia, Johan, Olof Stenbock
Scene 3: Johan, Stenbock
Scene 4: The stage changes into the castle’s festive hall, with thrones on a podium and under a magnificent canopy. Pages, trabants, maids and courtiers enter to the sound of a festive march. Max can be seen among the trabants, and Stenbock among the courtiers. Eric and Karin enter in royal attire. Then Sir Johan and Cecilia, followed by pages and Karin’s maids. The march continues until Eric and Karin have taken their places, and Johan and Cecilia below the throne.
Bröllops-marsch [Weddin march; instrumental]: Maestoso E-flat major (varying keys) 4/4 (C)
Eric stands up, turning to Karin. On one knee in front of her, he kisses her hand. He then stands up, giving Karin his hand and they take a turn among the those present, who all gives her their reverences as queen, although most of them whisper behind their backs. Eric, Karin, Johan, Cecilia, Max, Stenbock, Pager, Drabanter, Tärnor, Hofmän [Pages, Trabants, Maids, Courtiers]
Scene 5. The couples get ready for the torchlight dance. The male dancers fetch burning torches. Torchlight dance.
Eric and Karin approach the throne and the others thread, pair by pair, in front of them. Nearing the King, Max presents a dagger, trying to stab him. Jöran Persson rushes forward, grabbing his arm. The dance stops, general shock. Semiconscious, Karin falls to the floor. The maids rush to her. Max is disarmed and held by the trabants. He is brought out by the guards. Jöran Persson follows them. In horror, Karin throws herself at Eric’s feet. He proudly leads Karin to the throne, and calls to the courtiers with both despite and tenderness.
The dance recommences as Eric throws himelf on the throne with a wild laughter. Karin, beyond herself with pain and agony, kneels beside him, trying to calm him down. The curtain quickly falls. The above, Jöran Persson
Act IV
The stage represents an open space in the neighborhood of the Ekolsund castle, with Lake Malar at a distance.
Sunset in late summer. Returning harvesters can be heard offstage.
Scene 1. Introduction [instrumental]: Andantino E minor 6/8
Chorus: The harvesters [offstage]
Scene 2: Eric enters, skittish and disoriented. He is bareheaded, without sword and his clothes torned. Erik [The Harvesters]
Scene 3: Karin enters, throwing herself into Eric’s arms. Velamson enters, and he and the Esquires guard the King and Queen. Erik, Karin, Velamson, Knektar [Esquires]
Scene 4: Karin sits down on a mossy stone. Eric throws himself beside her, putting his head on her knee. He falls asleep, dreaming restlessly.
Loud noise disrupts the calm and Velamson rushes in, horrified. Eric, Karin [Velamson]
Scene 5: Karin bend over Eric, slowly kissing his forehead. Stenbock and the Esquires enter. Stenbock approaches Eric, who wakes and comes to his feet. Stenbock and the soldiers withdraw. At Stenbock’s sign, Velamson also exits, after having kissed Eric’s hand. Eric embraces Karin. Stenbock approaches. Eric is taken away by Stenbock and the soldiers, and Karin accompanies him to the scenery flat, where she stops, waving outward. She then staggers back on the stage, where she falls on her knees, folding her hands. The above, Velamson, Stenbock, Knektar [Esquires], Choir (backstage) Collapse
Work comment
Act I
No. 1. Chorus: Och liten Karin tjänte på unga kungens gård (Choir)
No. 2. Duet: Hvar är min mor? Hon på arbete gått (Max, Karin)
No. 3. Chorus: Det är midsommar nu, se hvad korgar i rad (Choir)… Read more
Act I
No. 1. Chorus: Och liten Karin tjänte på unga kungens gård (Choir)
No. 2. Duet: Hvar är min mor? Hon på arbete gått (Max, Karin)
No. 3. Chorus: Det är midsommar nu, se hvad korgar i rad (Choir)
No. 4. Song and Chorus: Hör hit, godt folk i Stockholms stad! (Björndansaren [The Dancing Bear], Choir. Jöran Persson)
No. 5. Scene: Har du ej sett min vackra blomsterflicka? (Kung Erik [King Eric XIV of Sweden], Jöran Persson, Karin, Kör [Chorus])
No. 6. Vexelsång [Alternating vocals]: Finge jag välja bland blommor och blad (Kung Erik [King Eric], Karin)
No. 7. Duet: Säg mig, säg, hvad du heter, flicka (Kung Erik [King Eric], Karin)
No. 8. Scene: Der Karin är ... Men hvad ... tillsammans med en riddersman? (Max, Erik [Eric], Karin, Jöran Persson)
No. 9. Finale: Nå, Karin, säg hvad ville sen din vackra, glada ungersven? (Karin, Max, Jöran Persson, Flickor [Girls], Folk [People])
Act II
No. 10. Introduction [instrumental] - Folkvisa [Folk song] - Scene and Chorus: Så kom der ifrån himmelen två hvita dufvor ned (Cecilia, Karin, Tärnor [Maids])
No. 11. Duet: Seså, liten Karin, nu muntert du må, slå upp dina ögon, de klara blå! (Cecilia, Karin)
No. 12. Scene and Aria: Är det väl sant? O hvilken fröjd! (Karin)
No. 13. Duet: Du hörde mig, min Karin? O, låt mig gå! (Kung Erik [King Eric], Karin)
No. 14. Finale: Hör! Se en skara folk med vilda rop sig samlar! (Karin, Kung Erik [King Eric], Kör [Choir])
No. 15. Romance: Får nu du dröja, här invid min sida (Karin, Kung Erik [King Eric])
No. 16. Scene: Man kommer ... Visst din kansler! (Kung Erik [King Eric], Karin, Johan [Sir Johan], Cecilia)
No. 17. Bröllops-marsch [Wedding march; instrumental]
No. 18. Scene: Ja, efter månget oblidt ödes slag den gamla borgen kläder sig idag (Kung Erik [King Eric])
No. 19. Chorus (and Scene): Hell drottning Karin! Länge hon må konungatronen smycka! (Choir)
No. 20. Fackeldans [Torchlight dance]: Nu räcka vi stolts jungrun ett tindrande ljus (Choir)
No. 21. Finale: Ha! Hvad vill du skurk, med daggerten? (Karin, Cecilia, Erik [Eric], Max, Johan, Jöran Persson)
Act IV
No. 22. Inledning [Introduction; instrumental] and Chorus: Slut är dagen, solen sjunker (Skördefolket, utom scenen [The Harvesters, offstage])
No. 23. Scene: Hvad är det som gnyr? Hvem ropar i skogen? (Erik [Eric], Skördefolket [The Harvesters, further away])
No. 24. Scene: Erik Erik! Denna röst! Säg hvar är du? Min Erik? (Erik [Eric], Karin)
No. 25. Scene and Slummersång [Slumber song]: Se, Erik, se hur skön solen går ned i gyllne skyar! (Karin, Erik [Eric])
No. 26. Finale: Hertigens folk har omringat platsen ... allt är förlorat! (Velamson, Karin, Stenbock, Erik [Eric], Choir [backstage])