Ivar Hallström (1826−1901)
Silfverringen. Operett i En akt (Silverringen) [The silver ring. Operetta in One Act]

- Year of composition: 1870 (according to Svenskt biografiskt lexikon)
- Work category: Operetta / Comic opera
- Text author: Léon Battu (1828-1857) and (Paul-)Jules Barbier (1825-1901) ['L'Anneau d'argent', music by Louis Deffès (1819-1900), premiere in Paris on 5 July 1855]; Swedish translation by M. Troilius (according to Svenskt biografiskt lexikon), by Frans Hedberg (according to Ralf; see above)
- First performed: 13 December 1880, the Royal Opera, Stockholm. Performers: A. R. Sewôn [sic in Ralf; Sewón/Sewon figures in other sources] (William), S. Ek (Jane), D. [sic; although probably denotes Bernhardina] Niehoff, Edling by marriage (Betty), G. [sic; probably Ernst Gustaf] Henrikson (Tom), F. [probably Johan Fredrik] Malmsjö (Dick) [according to Ralf, Klas: 'Kungliga Teatern. Repertoar (The Royal Theatre. Repertoire) 1773-1973 (1974)]
- Duration: Approx. 25-30 min
- Detailed duration: Uncertain
2*.2.2.2 / / timp, trgl / str
Solo voices/choir
June (soprano)
Betty ([mezzo-]soprano)
William (baritone)
Tom (tenor)
Dick (baritone)
2 sopranos (June, Betty), 1 tenor (Tom), 2 baritones (William, Dick)
Choir: (probably) S.S.A.A. (not …
Location for score and part material
Score in autograph as well as handwritten orchestral parts in the collections of Musik- och teaterbiblioteket.
- Location autograph: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
- Possible call no. and autograph comment: Kungliga Teatern, Operetter [Royal Theatre, Operettas] S 50
Description of work
[Scene numbers and directions missing]
1. Introduction [with instrumental opening]: Andante sostenuto - Allegro E major - A minor 4/4 (C) - alla breve
2. Dryckesvisa [Drinking song]
3. Qvartett […
1. Introduktion (instrumental inledning) [Introduction (instrumental opening)]
[Chorus:] Skottspole snurra snabbt för vår hand
Recitative: Nej, nu jag hvila vill! (Betty)
Hahahaha! Min hjertans kär! …