Ivar Hallström (1826−1901)

Granadas dotter [Granada's daughter]

  • Year of composition: Ytterby on 14 August, 1890 (according to the autograph of the score; Ytterby 17 August, 1888 according to Svenskt biografiskt lexikon)
  • Work category: Operetta / Comic opera
  • Text author: Henrik Christiernsson (1845-1915) [Christiernson according to the autograph of the score]
  • First performed: Svenska Teatern [The Swedish Theatre], Stockholm, on 26 november, 1892. Performers: A. Sellergren (Filip av Spanien [Philip of Spain]), A. Almati née Rundberg (Eleonora), O. Lemon (Ruyz), D. Sterky (Jacinta), Mrs. Pettersson [sic] (Sanchica), C. F. Lundqvist (Mateo), H. Brag (Pedrillo), W. Strandberg née Söhrling (Fredegonda), O. Johanson (Alonzo), A. Rundberg (Miguel), C. Lundmark (José), Wolter [sic] (Isabella), S. Wolf (Dolores), A. Karlsohn (Inez), M. Strandberg (En mulåsnedrivare [A 'Hinny Handler'/Muleteer]), H. Heintz (En gosse [A Boy]), S. Linné (En flicka [A Girl]), S. Wegelin (En tjänare [A Servant]), J. Lindenau (Den mohriska prinsessan [The Moor Princess]); according to Ralf, Klas: Kungliga Teatern. Repertoar 1773-1973 [The Royal Theater. Repertoire 1773-1973] (1974)
  • Duration: Approx. 90-120 min
  • Detailed duration: Uncertain


2*.2.2.2 / / timp, perc, hp / str
perc: sn dr, bass dr, cymb, trgl, Tamb. de Basque, Castagnettes
On the stage (acc. to the part material): ob solo, clar, vc solo, hp
(N.B. In the Read more

Solo voices/choir

Filip, konung af Spanien [Philip, King of Spain] (bass)
Eleonora, hans dotter [his daughter] (mezzo-soprano)
Ruyz de Alarcon, ung adelsman [a young nobleman] (tenor)
Jacinta (soprano)
Sanchica, Read more

Examples of printed editions

The libretto was printed by Looström & Komp:s Förlag, Stockholm (1892)

Location for score and part material

Score in autograph and handwritten orchestral parts, prompt book, and ballet material can be found at the Musik- och teaterbiblioteket

  • Location autograph: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
  • Possible call no. and autograph comment: Kungl. Teatern, Operetter G 25 [The Royal Theatre, Operettas G 25]

Description of work

The plot is set in Alhambra in the 1500s.

Act I
A valley near the outer city wall of Alhambra. A partly derelict Moorish tower surrounded by gardens with vines, roses, and myrtle, etc. A fountain Read more


Act I

1. Introduction [instrumental]

2. Sextet: Bland dessa klippor hur man jägtar! [sic] (Donna Inez, Donna Isabella, Donna Dolores, Don José, Don Miguel, Don Alonzo)

3. Aria and Melodrama: Solen Read more