Ivar Hallström (1826−1901)
Upsala [sic] Minne. Kantat [Memory/Remembrance of Uppsala. Cantata] / Upsala Erinnerungen. Cantate

I. Gamla Upsala / Das alte Upsala
II. Domkyrkan / Die Domkirche
III. Odinslund / Odins-Hain
- Year of composition: 1878
- Work category: Male choir with solo voice(s) and instrument
- Text author: Information missing; translation to German by Edmund Lobedanz (1820-1882)
- Dedication: To O.D. (according to the printed edition; may refer to the Swedish male voice choir and singing society Orphei Drängar)
- Duration: Approx. 20-25 min
Solo voices/choir
Solo voices: tenor
Choir: T.T.B.B.
Examples of printed editions
Abr. Hirsch, Ed. no. 1574
Description of work
I. Gamla Upsala [Old Up(p)sala] / Das alte Upsala: Andante misterioso - Allegro molto con fuoco - Andante - Maestoso molto moderato C minor - C major - E major - A minor 4/4 (C) - 6/8 - 4/4 (C)
II. …
I. Gamla Upsala / Das alte Upsala:
Kör [Choir] / Chor: Natten rufvar tung öfver Fyrisvall / Nacht so schwerumgraut schon den Fyriswall
Tenor solo: Nu mildare susa fälktar ur vestanskog [sic] / Nun …