Ivar Hallström (1826−1901)

Jaguarita l'Indienne. Komisk Operett i Tre akter [Jaguarita l'Indienne. Comic operetta in three actsJ

  • Year of composition: 1886
  • Work category: Operetta / Comic opera
  • Text author: Jules-Henri Vernoy de Saint-Georges and Adolphe de Leuven [most likely referring to Henri Vernoy de Saint-Georges (1799-1875) and Adolphe de Leuven (1802-1884)] (free adaptation from French, according to the autograph)
  • First performed: Never performed
  • Duration: Approx. 90-120 min
  • Detailed duration: Duration uncertain


3**.2.3*.2 / 4.3*.3.0 / timp, perc, hp / str
(picc I+II, bass clar, corn [piston])
perc: bass dr, cymb, sn dr, trgl, tam, tambourine

Solo voices/choir

Soloröster [Solo voices]:
Jaguarita (soprano)
Heva/Héva (soprano)
Maurice (tenor)
Mama [sic] Jumbo (tenor)
Hector/Hektor (bass)
Petermann (bass)
Tobias (bass)

2 sopranos (Jaguarita, Heva), 2 tenors (Read more

Location for score and part material

Handwritten parts material can be found in the collections of the Musik- och teaterbiblioteket

  • Location autograph: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
  • Possible call no. and autograph comment: Kungliga Teatern, Operetter & Tal-pjeser, J 17 [The Royal Theatre. Operettas and plays, J 17]

Description of work

Act I
Ouverture: Allegro - Andante - Maestoso - Allegro A minor - A major - A minor - Ess major/C minor - C major 2/4 - 4/4 (C) attacca
[1.] Introduktion [Introduction (instrumental)]: Allegro F Read more

Work comment

The French libretto was set to music by Fromental Halévy (1799-1862), and that work premiered at the Théâtre-Lyrique in Paris on 14 May, 1855.


Act I

[1.] Introduktion [Introduction (instrumental)]
Det är slut med oss (Choir)
Edert öde skall nog bättras (Tobias)
Hvad tjusning och hvad frid (Hector [sic])
Men här saknas de nöjen ni haft i Read more