Olof Åhlström (1756-1835)
(Kantater för kyrkoårets högtidsdagar) Andeliga Sånger [(Cantatas for the feast days of the liturgical year) Spiritual Songs]. [1.] "Evige! Evige! Evige och gode ande"

Autograph (unnumbered):
[1.] Chorus
[2.] Chorus with Soprano or Tenor solo
[3.] Recit. Tenor
[4.] [Solo, (probably) Tenor], Chorus
[5.] [Solo] Tenor, Duo [Soprano and Tenor together], Chorus
[6.] Solo (Soprano), Chorus
Edition Gran Tonante:
1. Chorus with Soprano solo
Recitativo (Tenor)
2. Aria (Tenor) with Choir
3. Duo (Soprano & Tenor) with Choir
4. Aria (Soprano) with Choir
- Year of composition: 1802
- Work category: Mixed choir and instruments
- First performed: According to a handwritten inscription on the autograph, this work was performed in S:t Jakobs kyrka [St James's Church], Stockholm on the occasion of the installation of Magnus Lehnberg as vicar (on Whit Sunday, 1802, according to Edition Gran Tonante)
- Duration: Approx. 20-25 min
- Detailed duration: Uncertain
pno (according to the autograph: Forte Piano [sic])
Solo voices/choir
solo voice: 1 soprano, 1 tenor
choir: S.A.T.B.
Examples of printed editions
11 Kantater för kyrkoårets högtider för Soli, Kör och Pianoforte. Urtext-Edition av Holger Schmitt-Hallenberg [11 Cantatas for the feast days of the liturgical year. Critical edition by Holger …
- Location autograph: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
- Possible call no. and autograph comment: Z/Sv (bound together with the other cantatas for the feast days of the liturgical year)
Description of work
Autograph (unnumbered):
[1.] Larghetto - Adagio - Larghetto C major 6/8 - 4/4 (C) - 6/8
[2.] Allegro Maestoso C major 4/4 (C)
[3.] (Recit.; tempo mark missing) C major 4/4 (C)
[4.] Allegro moderato B-…
Work comment
According to an anonymous note inserted in the autograph, [Johann Christian Friedrich] Hæffner's name has been written on the cover, but for several reasons, these cantatas have never been attributed …
Autograph (unnumbered):
[1.] Chorus: Evige! Evige och gode ande!
[2.] [Chorus]: Sådant gafs allmagtens budord en gång
Solo [Soprano or Tenor]: men evigt skall Hans ord Hans sanning evig bli
[Chorus]: …