Fredrik Wilhelm Klint (1811−1894)

Ur Cantate vid Häradshöfdingen mm Hr D. Wistrands och Madame M. Lindmans bröllopsfest den 18de Junii [sic] 1837 [From Cantata at District judge etc. Mr. D. Wistrand and Madame M. Lindman’s wedding reception on 18 June, 1837]

opus 6


[1.] För Bruden [For the Bride]
[2.] För Brudgummen [For the Groom]

  • Year of composition: 1837
  • Work category: Several choirs a cappella
  • Text author: [Information missing at the time of registration]
  • Duration: 6 min

Solo voices/choir

S.A.T., S.A.T.B., T.T.B.B.

  • Location autograph: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
  • Possible call no. and autograph comment: Autographs

Description of work

[1.] För Bruden [For the Bride]: Allegro con fuoco D major 3/4 (T.T.B.B.) - Andante con tenerezza D major 3/4 (S.A.T.B.) - Allegro molto A major 3/4 (T.T.B.B.)
[2.] För Brudgummen [For the Groom]: Read more


[No lyrics were available at the time of registration]