Ignaz Lachner (1807-1895)

His Royal Majesty King Oscar the 1st's Funeral Music


1. Marcia funebre
2. Introduction
3. Choir
4. Recitative and aria
5. Hymn
6. Quintet
7. Final choir

  • Year of composition: According to the score the composition was started on 21 juli 1859 and completed on 28 juli 1859
  • Work category: Mixed choir with solo voice(s) and orchestra
  • Duration: Approx. 25-30 min

Instrumentation / / timp / str

Solo voices/choir

Solo voices: 1 soprano, 1 alto (marked as soprano II in no. 6), 1 tenor, 1 baritone, 1 bass
Mixed choir S.A.T.B. In no. 5 divided into a double choir (S.S.A.A.T.T.B.B)

Location for score and part material

Musik- och teaterbiblioteket

  • Location autograph: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket

Description of work

1. Marcia funebre: Andante grave F minor 4/4
2. Introduzione: Adagio non tanto G minor 3/4
3. [Choir:] Andante grave D minor 4/4
4. Recitativo and Aria: [Recitative:] Andante F major 4/4, [Aria:] Read more