Ludvig Löwegren (1817-1894)

Trois Nocturnes pour le Piano par Louis [sic] Löwegren

opus 3 nr 1-3


No 1. E-flat major
No 2. G major
No 3. B major

  • Year of composition: Year of composition uncertain
  • Work category: Piano
  • Dedication: "dediés à Madame Marie Charlier" (according to the printed edition)
  • Duration: Approx. 5-10 min

Examples of printed editions

The book was published in "Stockholm chez Eduard Josephson" (according to the printed edition; Ed. no. is missing)
(Hans Ahlborg Musik in collaboration with Svenska Klaverets Vänner)


(The composer is mentioned under the name 'Ludvig Leonard Löwegren' in Höijer's "Musik-Lexikon", printed 1864)

Description of work

No. 1. Andante con moto E-flat major 6/8 - 3/4
No. 2. Andantino G major 4/4 (C)
No. 3. Larghetto con moto B maor - B minor - B major 6/8