Laura Netzel (1839−1927)

Les Cloches du Monastère

opus 35

  • Year of composition: Likely 1890 or 1891
  • Work category: Voice and piano
  • Text author: Eric Bögh, from Hundrede Viser, also printed in Halvandet Hundrede Viser
  • First performed: April 1891, Paris, at the music society La Trompette, Marie Louise Juel, soprano, and the composer at the piano.
  • Duration: 6 min
  • Location autograph: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
  • Possible call no. and autograph comment: In the library there are five manuscripts, of which some have French or German text. There are also four scores with a version for soprano and orchestra. All the manuscripts are digitised and freely available online.

Description of work

Moderato D major 4/4 (C)

Work comment

One of the manuscripts presents the alternative title 'Sopran-Aria' (i.e., 'aria for soprano') and another 'Les Cloches du Monastère' (this title has however been strucked through).



Og sneen den flög saa vide om jord
men nonnen hun sang i det hellige kor
Der er roser i klostrets have
Og ridderen kom fra den blodige leg
Så rød var hans brynje, hans kind var så bleg
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