Conrad Nordqvist (1840−1920)

No 2. Ett litet stycke [e-moll] för Violoncell o. Piano (Ledsamt) [A Short Piece (in E minor) for Violoncello and Piano (Sad)]

  • Year of composition: 13 February, 1912
  • Work category: Cello and piano
  • Dedication: To Mrs Clara Lachmann
  • Duration: Approx. 1-5 min
  • Location autograph: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
  • Possible call no. and autograph comment: C. Nordqvist's collection (score and cello part)

Description of work

Agitato con fuoco E minor 3/4, 8 bars, /:8 bars:/, 108 bars, in total 124 bars