Wilhelm Peterson-Berger (1867−1942)

Adils och Elisiv, Musikaliskt Sagodrama (Scenisk handling) i 3 akter [Adils and Elisiv, Musical Fairytale (opera) in 3 acts]

  • Year of composition: 1918-1925
  • Work category: Opera
  • Text author: The composer
  • First performed: 27 February 1927, the Royal Opera, Stockholm
  • Duration: Approx. 120-180 min


2.2*.2.2 / / timp, 2 perc, hp, pno, cel / str,

Solo voices/choir

Solo voices: 1 soprano (Irmegard), 1 soprano, young (Elisiv), 1 treble/boy soprano (Emund), 1 mezzo-soprano (Rigmor), 1 mezzo-soprano, elder (Gudla), 1 tenor (Adils), 4 baritones (Bo Tungel, Knartan, Read more

Location for score and part material

The Royal Opera, Stockholm

  • Location autograph: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket


Karlsson, Henrik: Wilhelm Peterson-Berger. Verkförteckning [List of works] (2004) [available at the Musik- och teaterbiblioteket]

Description of work

Act I
Ochlonna’s hall
[Prelude], 2 pages in the piano–vocal score
Scene no. 1. Gudla, Toste, female choir, 14 pages in the piano–vocal score
Scene no. 2. Ochlonna, Gudla, 2 pages
Scene no. 3. Toste, Read more