Wilhelm Peterson-Berger (1867−1942)
Sång till Stockholm (Sången om Stockholm) [Song to Stockholm (The song about Stockholm)]
- Year of composition: 24 April, 1935 (according to the autograph)
- Work category: Voice and piano
- Text author: Johan Bergman [probably referring to Prof. Johan Bergman (1864-1951)]
- Duration: 1 min
Examples of printed editions
Abraham Lundquists Musikförlag, Ed. no. 5710 (Glad du stiger)
- Location autograph: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
- Possible call no. and autograph comment: Z/Sv
Karlsson, Henrik: Wilhelm Peterson-Berger. Verkförteckning [List of works] (2004) [available at the Musik- och teaterbiblioteket]
Description of work
(Tempo mark missing) C major 4/4 (C)
Stolt du stiger ur böljor blå
(alternatively: Glad du stiger; both versions can be found in the autograph)