Wilhelm Peterson-Berger (1867−1942)

Ur en kärlekssaga. 7 [sju] sånger. Ibland myrten och jasminer [From a love story. 7 (seven) songs. Among myrtle and jasmines]

opus 14 (according to an annotation in pencil)

  • Year of composition: Dresden 1890
  • Work category: Voice and piano
  • Text author: Günther Walling (pen name of Karl Friedrich Ulrici (1839-1896)] From "Von Lenz zu Herbst" 1884, probably 2nd edition, 1887), trans. by the composer (according to Henrik Karlsson's list of compositions by Wilhelm Peterson-Berger [2004])
  • Duration: Approx. 1-5 min

Examples of printed editions

Abraham Hirschs förlag, Ed. no. 2197
(Edition includes Vackra barn der vid ditt fönster, Två klara stjernor har himlen mist, Dagen flyr, Liksom den unga Zephyr, Ibland myrten och jasminer, Minnes du rosentiden, Att sorg du mig gjort)

  • Location autograph: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
  • Possible call no. and autograph comment: Z/Sv Peterson-Berger has written on the autograph that it originally included 14 songs [see ’14 Lieder aus Sevilla’] and that the manuscript is incomplete as the first part of the first song is missing.


Karlsson, Henrik: Wilhelm Peterson-Berger. Verkförteckning [List of works] (2004) [available at the Musik- och teaterbiblioteket]

Description of work

Lento D-flat major 3/4

Work comment

The remaining seven songs are included in the autograph '14 "Lieder aus Sevilla"' (available as photo copy, only). See separate post for that work.


Ibland myrten och jasminer gingo vi i djufva drömmar / Unter Myrthen und Narcissen wandelten wir traumverloren