Wilhelm Peterson-Berger (1867−1942)

2e [Zweite] [G major] für Violine und Pianoforte


1. Allegro moderato
2. Lento — Allegretto burlando — Tempo I — Tempo II — Tempo I
3. Allegro con fuoco — Più tranquillo — Moderato — Lento — Adagio — Tempo I — Molto tranquillo — Allegro molto

  • Year of composition: 1910
  • Work category: Violin and piano
  • Duration: Approx. 20-25 min

Examples of printed editions

Stockholm, Abr. Lundquists Kongl. Hof-Musikhandel, Abr. L. 4350

Location for score and part material

Musik- och teaterbiblioteket


Karlsson, Henrik: Wilhelm Peterson-Berger. Verkförteckning [List of works] (2004) [available at the Musik- och teaterbiblioteket]

Description of work

1. Allegro moderato G major 6/4 237 bars
2. Lento G minor 4/4 (C) 55 bars, Allegretto burlando E minor 3/4 110 bars, Tempo I G minor 4/4 (C) 34 bars, Tempo II G minor 3/4 68 bars, Tempo I 4/4 (C) 4 bars, D major 22 bars, in total 293 bars
3. Allegro con fuoco G major alla breve (2/2) 153 bars, Più tranquillo 40 bars, Moderato 4/4 (C) 7 bars, Lento 18 bars, Adagio 1 bar, Tempo I alla breve (2/2) 117 bars, Molto tranquillo 4/4 (C) 18 bars, Allegro molto alla breve (2/2) 35 bars, in total 389 bars