Caroline Ridderstolpe (1793−1878)
Naturbetraktaren from Åtta Sånger för Piano-Forte med Svensk och Tysk text [Eight songs for piano-forte with lyrics in Swedish and German]

- Year of composition: Printed in 1848
- Work category: Voice and piano
- Text author: [possibly Sofia Ahlbom, whose 'Främlingarne' was printed in 1837]
- Dedication: To Baroness Aurore Braunerhjelm (according to the printed music)
- Duration: 4 min
Examples of printed editions
A. J. Salmson, Stockholm
Description of work
Legato A-flat major 4/4 (C)
Work comment
The collection includes:
De tvenne källorna
Naturbetraktaren (ur "Främlingarne")
Nichts und Etwas
Dig! / Dir!
Den tiggande Modren [sic] / Das Bettelweib
See individual post for each song
[1.] Hur högt naturens hjerta [sic] slår!
dess hjerta vill jag lyssna till
[2.] Hur ljuft naturens hjerta slår!
mitt eget slute sig dertill!
[3.] Hur gladt naturens hjerta slår!
begärligt lyssnar …