Johan Helmich Roman (1694-1758)

Cantata. "Tu parti Amato bene"

HRV 932


[1. Rec.] Tu parti Amato bene
[2. Aria] Duol più severo
[3. Rec.] Mà se à partir ti sforza
[4. Aria] Quando senti un venticello

  • Year of composition: 1727/1728 (according to Holm)
  • Work category: Voice(s) with basso continuo
  • Duration: Approx. 1-5 min


cont.; with "su suona" elements

Solo voices/choir


  • Location autograph: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
  • Possible call no. and autograph comment: Ro:84 (the first movement, albeit with a sligthly different melody, can also be found at the Musik- och teaterbiblioteket [Ro:97(82)])


Holm, Anna Lena: Tematisk förteckning över J.H. Romans vokalverk. Musikaliska akademiens bibliotek (1994)

Description of work

[1. Rec.] (no tempo marking) E minor 4/4 (C)
[2. Aria] Lento A major 3/4
[3. Rec.] (no tempo marking) C major 4/4 (C)
[4. Aria] (no tempo marking) C major 3/4



Work comment

Authenticated work (according to Holm)


[1. Rec.] Tu parti Amato bene
mi lasci Idolo mio 

[2. Aria] Duol più severo
di quel ch'io sento 

[3. Rec.] Mà se à partir ti sforza
e seguirti mia vita 

[4. Aria] Quando senti un venticello
ch'al tuo volto intorno spiri