Johan Helmich Roman (1694-1758)

Jubilate ("Frögdens Herranom all verlden") / Jubilate ("Fröjdens Herranom all världen")

HRV 401


[1. Choir] Frögdens Herranom all verlden [sic]
[2. Duet] Förnimmer at Herren är Gud (sopran, bas)
[3. Choir] Går in i hans portar
[4. Choir] Ty Herren är god
[5. Choir] Ära vare Fadrenom

  • Year of composition: 1730, performed e.g., at the inauguration of the Drottningholm Palace Chapel on 25 July, 1730, on the occasion of Frederick I:s return from Kassel in 1731 and at the celebration on 7 October, 1743 marking the peace with Russia (ref. Roman's own score)
  • Work category: Mixed choir with solo voice(s) and orchestra
  • Text author: Psalm 100 (Old Testamentet)
  • First performed: The work was composed for the jubilation service commanded by Frederick I on 14/25 June (see below), 1730 and was performed by the Hovkapellet (The Royal Court Orchestra) with soloists. In accordance with the model of Handel, Roman’s Jubilate is connected with his Te Deum.
  • Duration: Approx. 10-15 min
  • Detailed duration: 13'47 (according to Musica Sveciae's recording)

Instrumentation / / cont / str
(one of the manuscripts in the Musik- och teaterbiblioteket includes also cor I+II and timp)

Solo voices/choir

soloists: soprano, bass
choir: S.A.T.B.

Location for score and part material

Copies can be found in the Musik- och teaterbiblioteket (Ro:63b, Ro:63c) and the Uppsala University Library (Vok.mus. in hs. 64:1); there are also single movements in the Uppsala University Library (Read more

  • Location autograph: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
  • Possible call no. and autograph comment: Ro:63a


Holm, Anna Lena: Tematisk förteckning över J.H. Romans vokalverk. Musikaliska akademiens bibliotek (1994)

Description of work

[1. Choir] (no tempo marking) D-dur 4/4 (C)
[2. Duet] (no tempo marking) h-moll 6/8
[3. Choir] (no tempo marking) G-dur 4/4 (C)
[4. Choir] (no tempo marking) a-moll 4/4 (C)
[5. Choir] (no tempo Read more


UUB:Vmhs 64:1:1
UUB:Vmhs 64:1:2a
UUB:Vmhs 64:1:2b
UUB:Vmhs 64:1:c
UUB:Vmhs 64:1:2d
UUB:Vmhs 64:1:2e 
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Work comment

Authenticated work (according to Holm)

According to Holm the work was most likely composed in preparation for the arrival in Stockholm of Swedish crown prince Adolf Frederick of Holstein-Gottorp in Read more


[1. Choir] Frögdens Herranom all verlden
tiäner Herranom med frögd [sic] 

[2. Duet] Förnimmer at Herren är Gud
Han hafver giordt oss (sopran, bas)

[3. Choir] Går in i hans portar med tackande

[4. Read more