1. Allegro moderato — Tempo I e molto pesante — Poco più lento
2. Allegretto scherzando — Più tranquillo — D.C. al Fine
3. Andante sostenuto
4. Con fuoco — Andante sostenuto — Tempo I — Più mosso — Tempo I — Più lento
- Year of composition: 1889
- Work category: Violin and piano
- Dedication: To Tor Aulin
- Duration: 32 min
- Detailed duration: 31'58'' (1: 8'33'', 2: 8'16'', 3: 6'36'', 4: 8'33'') according to Caprice Records Emil Sjögren: Complete works for violin and piano. Vol. 2. Tobias Ringborg (violin), Anders Kilström (piano). CAP 21667 (2004)
Examples of printed editions
Levande Musikarv/Swedish Musical Heritage no. 662. Critical edition by Ingrid Lindgren (2016)
London, Laudy & Co; Breslau [Wrocław], Julius Hainauer, Kjöbenhavn [Copenhagen], Det Nordiske Forlag, Musikforlaget: Henrik Hennings (N.F. 2478)
Location for score and part material
Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
Crastan Kaestner, Eva: Studien zu den Violinsonaten von Emil Sjögren. Lizentiatsarbeit der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Zürich, Musikwissenschaftliches Institut.Mai 2004 (Mainly concerns the second violin sonata, from the prefacet: 'Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst zich mit den fünf Violinsonaten des schwedischen Komponisten Emil Sjögren. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Analyse der zweiten Violinsonate op. 24, des wohl meistgelobten und -gespielten Instrumentalwerks Sjögren.')
Description of work
1. Allegro moderato E minor 4/4 (C) 1 bar, /:89 bars:/49 bars, Tempo I e molto pesante 59 bars, E major 40 bars, E minor 8 bars, Poco più lento 5 bars, in total 251 bars
2. Allegretto scherzando G major 2/4 204 bars, Più tranquillo C major 3/4 /:16 bars://:36 bars:/, D.C. al Fine 204 bars, in total 460 bars
3. Andante sostenuto B major 3/4 130 bars
4. Con fuoco E minor 4/4 (C) 115 bars, Andante sostenuto E-flat major 3/4 9 bars, E minor 5 bars, Tempo I 4/4 (C) 75 bars, E major 16 bars, Più mosso 19 bars, Tempo I 20 bars, Più lento E minor 5 bars, in total 264 bars
Media files
Edition Swedish Musical Heritage
Sheet music
Sonate No 2 (E-moll) für Violine und Pianoforte - Piano (score) (pdf - 8.5 MB | Downloaded 2642 times)
Sonate No 2 (E-moll) für Violine und Pianoforte - Violin (pdf - 1.9 MB | Downloaded 2484 times)
Edition: Levande Musikarv