Emil Sjögren (1853-1918)
Sorg-Marsch [Sorgmarsch i anledning af H. M. Enkedrottning Josefinas död] [Funeral March, composed on the occasion of the death of Her Majesty Queen Dowager Josephine of Sweden]

- Year of composition: Stockholm 13 June 1876 (according to autograph)
- Work category: Piano
- Duration: Approx. 1-5 min
Examples of printed editions
Levande Musikarv/Swedish Musical Heritage. Emended edition no. 1178 (2016)
Huss & Beer, H. & B. 132
Location for score and part material
The piece is included in 'Sjögren, Emil: Pianokompositioner; Otto Olssons inb. band' [Sjögren, Emil: Piano compositions; Otto Olsson's hardcover volume] in Musik- och teaterbiblioteket's collections (P/Sv)
- Location autograph: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
- Possible call no. and autograph comment: Lovén V: 53, 54 (two exemplars, hardbacked in direct succession)
Description of work
(tempo mark missing) D minor 4/4 (C)
Work comment
The title page is missing in Otto Olsson's volume, but the piece corresponds to the autograph in Lovén's collection.
Queen Dowager Josephine was born on 14 March, 1807, and passed away on 7 June, 1876