Emil Sjögren (1853-1918)

"Helig!" [Holy] from Sex hymner och psalmer för soli, blandad kör och orgel [Six hymns and psalms for soloists, mixed choir and organ]

opus 51 (probably; however not indicated in the printed music)

  • Year of composition: 1895
  • Work category: Mixed choir and instruments
  • Text author: Text from the Swedish Mass (according to the printed music)
  • Dedication: Composed for the (Sankt) Johannes Kyrka [St. John's Church, Stockholm] (according to the Musikaliska Konstföreningen's [the publishing house of the Swedish Art Music Society] edition)
  • Duration: Approx. 1-5 min


org ad lib

Solo voices/choir


Examples of printed editions

• Levande Musikarv/Swedish Musical Heritage. Emended edition nos. 2076–2081 (2019)
• A-B. Carl Gehrmans Musikförlag, C. G. 3725
• Musikaliska Konstföreningen [the publishing house of the Swedish Art Music Society], M.K. 78 (1909)

Description of work

Largo con devozione B-flat major 4/4 (C)


Helig! Helig! Helig, helig Herre Gud allsmäktige!