August Söderman (1832−1876)
Sorgmarsch ur Skådespelet Fiesco [Funeral march from the play Fiesco]
Marche funèbre du drame Fiesco

- Year of composition: about 1860-1870
- Work category: Piano
- Duration: Approx. 1-5 min
Examples of printed editions
Stockholm, Gehrman & Co, 'Album för Piano af Svenske Tonsättare' [Album for piano by Swedish composers], G. & Co 404 (1892).
The front end paper of the copy at the Musik- och teaterbiblioteket shows a dedication stating 'Hans Majestät Konung Oscar II egnas detta album, underdånigst af förläggarne' [This album is most humbly dedicated by the publishers to His Majesty King Oscar II (of Sweden)]
Location for score and part material
Musik- och teaterbiblioteket, Stockholm
Description of work
[no time signature] C minor 4/4 (C), 36 bars, Trio A-flat major, 16 bars, C minor, 36 bars, in total 88 bars