August Söderman (1832−1876)
Ett bondbröllop, skildring ur folklivet [A Peasant Wedding, a depiction from (Swedish) peasant life]

1. Bröllops-marsch
2. I kyrkan
3. Önskevisa
4. I bröllopsgården
- Year of composition: 1868
- Work category: Mixed choir a cappella
- Text author: Richard Gustafsson [referring to Swedish author Richard Gustafsson (1840-1918)]
- Dedication: Upsala Student-sång-förening tillägnad [To Uppsala Student Singers]
- Duration: 10 min
Examples of printed editions
Abraham Lundquist, Stockholm n. d.
Description of work
1. Bröllops-marsch [Wedding march]: Crotchet = 104 E-flat major 2/4 32 bars, A-flat major 34 bars, Da capo bars 1-31, Coda: E-flat major 7 bars, Poco rall. e dim. 9 bars, Lento 3 bars, in total including Da capo 116 bars
2. I kyrkan [In the church]: Crotchet = 80 B-flat major 2/4 16 bars, 4/4 (C) 16 bars, E-flat major 2/4 32 bars, B-flat major 16 bars, 4/4 (C) 8 bars, in total 88 bars
3. Önskevisa [Wishing song]: Crotchet = 100 C major 2/4 18 bars, Crotchet = 138 G major 3/4 16 bars, Tempo I C major 2/4 18 bars, in total 52 bars
4. I bröllopsgården [On the wedding farm]: Crotchet = 126 E minor 3/4 16 bars, E major 24 bars, A major 34 bars, E minor 16 bars, E major 24 bars, Lento 2 bars, in total 116 bars
Work comment
Originally composed for male choir