August Söderman (1832−1876)

Die verlassene Mühle / Qvarnruinen (Kvarnruinen)

  • Year of composition: Leipzig 10 March 1857 (according to Monumenta Musicae Svecicae: 11)
  • Work category: Voice and orchestra
  • Text author: A. F. A. Schnetzler (sic; refers to F. A. A. (Ferdinand Alexander August) Schnezler (1809-1853)] (unknown translator)
  • Dedication: To Hofkapellmeister Ludvig Norman as a token of esteem and friendship (according to Hirsch's edition)
  • Duration: Approx. 5-10 min


2*.2.2.2 / / timp, perc / str
perc: campana in E

Solo voices/choir


Examples of printed editions

Levande musikarv/Swedish Musical Heritage (2018), critical edition by Mats Persson
Abraham Hirsch (Musikaliska Konstföreningens förlag [the publishing house of the Swedish Art Music Society]), Ed. no. missing [The score is bound together with the score of Söderman's composition 'Tannhäuser']
Monumenta Musicae Svecicae: 11, Edition Reimers AB, ER 40110 (piano reduction)

  • Location autograph: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
  • Possible call no. and autograph comment: Z/Sv


Jeanson, Gunnar: August Söderman. En svensk tondiktares liv och verk, 1926

Description of work

Lento (Langsam) A minor 6/4


Das Wasser rauscht zum Wald hinein / I väster bleknar dagens sken