- Year of composition: Coblenz. Zum Marienbildchen bei Depenheuer. d. 22 July 1869 (according to auograph)
- Work category: Voice and piano
- Text author: A. Schreiber (translator unknown) [according to Monumenta Musicae Svecicae: 11]
- Dedication: To Leonard Labatt (according to Hirsch's score print) [probably referring to opera singer, tenor Leonard Labatt (1838-1897)]
- Duration: Approx. 1-5 min
Examples of printed editions
Monumenta Musicae Svecicae: 11, Edition Reimers AB, ER 40110
Abraham Hirschs Förlag, Ed. no. 1450
- Location autograph: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
- Possible call no. and autograph comment: Söderman Dep I, Kuvert [envelope] 25
Jeanson, Gunnar: August Söderman. En svensk tondiktares liv och verk, 1926
Description of work
Allegro moderato F-sharp minor 9/8
Hoch auf dem Tannenberge, da ist ein schwartzer See / Högt upp bland bergens granar, där är så mörk en sjö
Media files
Edition Swedish Musical Heritage
Sheet music
Tre ballader / Drei Balladen - Voice and piano (38 pages, pdf - 3 MB | Downloaded 3849 times)