Wilhelm Stenhammar (1871−1927)
Barndomskompositioner 1878-1881 [pianostycken] [Childhood compositions 1878-1881; piano pieces]

- Year of composition: 1878-1881 (see individual posts for each piece)
- Work category: Piano
- Duration: Approx. 10-15 min
- Location autograph: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
- Possible call no. and autograph comment: Wilhelm Stenhammar's archive
Description of work
See individual posts for each piece
Work comment
The collection at the Musik- och teaterbiblioteket includes:
Julafton ("Hell dig Julafton") [chorus]
Bevara mig, Herre! ("Jag har en krona") [no. 1] [duet]
Vallflickans visa ("Tidigt med solen") [also exists separately as Opus 1]
[Movement, piano, in F minor]
Hvad Jesus är ("O Jesu kär") [no. 1]
Julafton i kojan ("Djupt i skogen") [chorus]
Sonate I [for piano]
Fantasie [for piano]
Sonate II [for piano]
Hemåt ("Jag är en pilgrim här")
Bevara mig, Herre! ("Jag har en krona") [no. 2] [duet]
Hvad Jesus är ("O Jesu kär") [no. 2]
See individual posts for each piece
(The material also includes some untitled bars in E-flat minor)
See individual posts for each piece