[I] Largo - Allegro
[II] Menuetto
[III] Andante poco Adagio
[IV] Finale Allegro
- Year of composition: "1807. d. 18 Maij" [18 May 1807] (according to the autograph)
- Work category: String quintet
- Duration: Approx. 25-30 min
- Detailed duration: Playing time unconfirmed
Location for score and part material
Score and parts extant in Musik- och teaterbiblioteket's collections
- Location autograph: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
- Possible call no. and autograph comment: Z/Sv (the last 6 measures in the score are missing according to Haglund; see more below)
Haglund, Susanne: Jacob Bernhard Struve - en biografi och verkförteckning. C-uppsats, Musikvetenskapliga institutionen, Stockholms universitet (ht 1997)
Description of work
[I] Largo - Allegro E major 3/4 - alla breve
[II] Menuetto E major 3/4 - Trio A major 3/4 - Menuetto Da Capo
[III] Andante poco Adagio A major 3/4
[IV] Finale Allegro E major - E minor - E major 2/4
Media files
Edition Swedish Musical Heritage
Stråkkvintett E-dur - Score (pdf - 1.9 MB | Downloaded 1391 times)
Edition: Levande musikarv
Stråkkvintett E-dur - Parts (zip - 2 MB | Downloaded 1243 times)
Edition: Levande musikarv