Georg Joseph Vogler (1749−1814)

Gustav Adolph och Ebba Brahe [Gustavus Adolphus and Ebba Brahe]

  • Year of composition: probably 1787-1788
  • Work category: Opera
  • Text author: J. H. Kellgren after Gustav III
  • First performed: The premiere took place on Swedish King Gustav III’s birthday on 24 January, 1788, at the Royal Theatre (the Gustavian opera), Stockholm.
    Performers: C. Stenborg [or C. Karsten] (Gustaf/Gustav Adolf [Gustavus Adolphus]), F. Stading (Ebba Brahe), C. Müller (Queen dowager Christina of Holstein-Gottorp), C. F. Fernstedt (Jacob Pontusson de la Gardie), P. Svartling (Lars Ericsson Sparre), S. Augusti (Märta Banér), A. de Broen (Johan), J. Ekenberg (Cathrina/Catharina), C. J. Savenius (Eric), I. Åberg (Sigrid), J. Lalin (Sven), M. C. Franck m. Ruckman (Maria), C. F. Fernstedt [or Hagström] (The Trabant), H. P. Wikbom (A Courtier), C. G. Grönström (A Herald)
  • Duration: Approx. 120-180 min


2**.2.2.3 / 4**.2.0.0 / timp / str
(2 picc, 2 corni in B basso )

Solo voices/choir

Solo voices:
Kung Gustav Adolf [King Gustavus Adolphus] (tenor)
Ebba Brahe (soprano)
Queen dowager Christina of Holstein [-Gottorp] (soprano)
Jacob Pontusson de la Gardie (tenor)
Lars Ericsson Sparre Read more

Examples of printed editions

Levande musikarv, Stockholm 2019. Critical edition by Andreas Edlund.

  • Location autograph: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket

Description of work

The plot, which is set in the middle of the 17th C., centers on Queen dowager Christina’s attempt to prevent the marriage between Gustav II Adolf [King Gustavus Adolphus] and his sweetheart of his Read more

Work comment

The music for the spectacular scenes at the end of Acts I and III was not composed by Vogler.


Act I

No. 1:
Nej, jag det svär; så vekliga band (Queen dowager Christina)
Vi känna dig, Drottning (Choir of Ladies-in-waiting)

No. 2:
Nej, nej, nej, jag det svär (Christina)
Ja, Drottning, ja, Read more