Fredrika Wickman (1852-)

Fyra sånger [Four songs]


1. Floden (Stagnelius)
2. Wandrarens visa (Stagnelius)
3. Fiskaren (Stagnelius)
4. Kärlekssång (Martin)

  • Year of composition: Mid 1860s
  • Work category: Voice and piano
  • Text author: 1. Floden [The river]: Stagnelius [referring to Erik Johan Stagnelius (1793-1823)]
    2. Wandrarens visa [The wanderer's song]: Stagnelius [referring to Erik Johan Stagnelius]
    3. Fiskaren [The fisherman]: Stagnelius [referring to Erik Johan Stagnelius]
    4. Kärlekssång [Love song]: Martin [unidentified]
  • Duration: Approx. 5-10 min

Examples of printed editions

C.J. Rydelius, Stockholm [no year indicated]

No. 1 was also printed in the music appendix of the Linnea magazine for 1865, pp. 5-8

Description of work

1. Floden (Erik Johan Stagnelius): Allegro A major 2/4
2. Wandrarens visa ((Erik Johan Stagnelius): Andantino B-flat major 6/8
3. Fiskaren ((Erik Johan Stagnelius): Allegro moderato F-sharp minor 6/8
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Work comment

In Rydelius's edition, the composier's name is spelt 'Wichmann', whereas the music appendix of the Linnea magazine states 'Wickman'.


1. Se den klara strömmen fara.
2. Hur skön går ej solen ur böljorna opp!
3. När guldröda solen i vester går ned.
4. Hvad vore det af blomman när matt hon dignar ned.